Strong corporate governance maintains investors' confidence, as a result of which, an organization can raise capital efficiently and effectively.
As entities continue to expand their products and services, grow and evolve over time and face diversified challenges, it is of the utmost importance to always focus on developing an effective control environment and apply continuous monitoring methodologies to meet the expectations of both internal and external stakeholders.
Implemented by the boards to inform, direct, manage and monitor the activities of organizations towards the achievement of their objectives.
Establishing sound governance practices is imperative for every organization.
The governance, strategy and performance disciplines provide a foundation to define and measure strategies, plans and progress toward objectives.
What WE Provide?
We assess governance maturity level in organizations by using our methodologies and tools designed in accordance with international standards and leading practices of governance functions.
We assist boards and their committees in designing and implementing efficient monitoring mechanisms that enable them to meet their regulatory and compliance requirements.
Our Governance Services cover the following
Strategy and Controls Design Services
Preparing and supporting organizations in defining their formal strategic, operational, compliance, and reporting objectives statements.
Preparing standard operating procedures (SOPs) and policies and procedures manuals. These SOPs/manuals may relate to any or all the following business cycles:
- Budgeting
- Procurement
- Revenue
- Internal Audit
- Human resource management & payroll
- Accounts & finance
- Strategy & business development
Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) Services
Business process re-engineering (BPR) involves the radical redesign of core business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in productivity, cycle times, and quality.
Our BPR Services focus on recreating or revamping core business processes with the goal of improving products’ or services’ output and quality and at the same time reducing the cycle times and costs.
The BPR Services normally consists of the following stages:
- Conducting as-is analysis
- Identifying processes and sub-processes need change
- Defining to-be scenarios
- Identifying gaps and important opportunities
A robust human resource development (HRD) program is an essential element of governance and is essential to employee retention.
Our HRD Services component emphasizes on identifying needs of training, education, and other types of development for employees.
The types of activities related to HRD are meant to ease an employee’s onboarding process and to improve success throughout their employment.
Typical services we offer in our HRD component include but are not limited to the following:
- Performing staffing needs assessment
- Conducting job analysis
- Supporting clients in selecting the right candidates
- Providing outsourced or co-sourced performance appraisal support
- Identifying staff improvement needs
- Undertaking staffing development initiatives and conduct training
- Undertaking monthly payroll and end-of-service compensation management
- Undertaking rightsizing assignments
- Design & develop staff KPIs